‘Arrow’ Gave a Twist in ‘Nanda Parbat’

So, I’ll just start with the highlight of the episode: The League of Assassins captured Malcolm Merlyn. Then, Oliver and Diggle infiltrated Nanda Parbat. They got captured and then, Ra’s al Ghul offered Oliver Queen to become the next Ra’s al Ghul…

What just happened? First, they try to kill each other. Now, Ra’s al Ghul wants Oliver to be the next heir?  What about Nyssa, heir to the demon? She said that so many times whenever she’s introducing herself, it’s already been programmed in me that she’s really gonna be the heir. Oh, boy. She’s gonna be so pissed when she finds out what her daddy did. Maybe he thought that Nyssa is not fit to be the leader of the League of Assassins because of her decisions/actions. Anyway, I’m very skeptical about this. Maybe Oliver would entertain the idea so that he could save Merlyn and Starling City. But there’s got to be a workaround it. He’s just too good of a guy. I just don’t see him being as ruthless as Ra’s. BUT I hope that he would accept the offer and be in position for quite some time. It would be awesome if Green Arrow has an army to keep Starling City safe.

Next, Ray Palmer suited up! I know, him and Felicity had a moment, but it was kind of pointing towards that direction all along. When I first saw Palmer, I thought he’s gonna end up fighting team Arrow because of all the hacking he did on Felicity’s stuffs. For now, the Atom suit only demonstrated some flying capabilities. But to all the fans out there, I know what you’re thinking, “Shrink! Shrink! Shrink! Shrink!”

Seeing Flash and Arrow Is Just Awesome

Arrow and Flash vs Captain Boomerang

I’ve watched this scene so many times. It’s still awesome. They make a great team, don’t they? I think seeing live action versions of Flash and Arrow on the same show bring happiness to fans who used to read comics or watch cartoons like Justice League. Speaking of Justice League, I can’t stop thinking about it whenever I see Flash and Arrow together. I just can’t wait to see it in the cinema. Plus, hearing stuffs like ‘Suicide Squad’ or ‘A.T.O.M. Exosuit’ fuels my excitement to see all of the live action shows. The thought of witnessing Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Flash, Atom, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and many more, fighting against the greatest supervillains. Just wow! One might say we have so many, maybe too many, superheroes these days. But I encourage people to watch them. They all have great stories which are connected to bigger stories and other shows or movies. Connecting them is fun. It’s like reading a series of books which has a vast universe. It’s hard to just stop with one or two books. You have to read and know them all. The more you know, the greater the feeling that you’d want to know more.